Zoe Young

Studio 25

This studio is open 14-16 June 2024

1 hammersmith terrace
W6 9TS

See map and access information

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Also at this studio:


I enjoy making pots that are functional but also beautiful and lovely to touch and hold. I love the throwing process and find that the pots often grow and form themselves of their own accord into something unexpected. That is only the beginning of the process, turning the pots may change their character again. The next stage, the glazing, is fascinating as it may give a rather unusual result which adds to the fun. Of course the very final stage is interacting with people as they come to look at and discuss the pieces and the process of making them. Last year several of my pots went abroad and I love to think of them, and ones that have not gone so far afield, being enjoyed in their new homes. 

We also enjoy making raku pots and sculptures at our studio. Raku firing is exciting but there are can be casualties if pots get dropped due to the extreme heat or if they don't get fired hot enough. We get some wonderful colours in the glazes when we have a successful firing. I particularly like making figures in this way. 

Blue fruit bowl
Stoneware glazed in a deep blue which breaks over ridges to create more colours.


Selection of porcelain nightlights
Made using very thin porcelain so that it is translucent in the light. I have used flowers and leaves pressed into the clay to create patterns


Porcelain coral pendant with sterling silver chain


Collection of small glazed bowls


Small frilled edge vase


Selection of individual pots with different glazes


Cream glazed coil bowl


Conical penguin vase deep creamy blue


Deglazed Pot
Stoneware Height 9cm - Width 15cm
Thin asymmetrical pot that was dipped in a greenish glaze that was then scraped off before the pot was fired. The result is a nearly nude pot that has retained some vestiges if the glaze.


Finger Pot
This greenish pot has three semicircles cut out of the rim - very tactile.


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Studio information

The studio is on the ground floor.

Three steps to get up to raised ground floor

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